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I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book. The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments. Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.




I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book. The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments. Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.
Brother Andrew      Andrew van der Bijl)

Brother Andrew Andrew van der Bijl)

Andrew van der Bijl or Brother Andrew is a Christian missionary from Sint Paneras, the Netherlands. He founded Open Doors in 1955 which is noted for smuggling Bibles into Communist countries. He earned the name God’s Smuggler -the title of his 1967 book. he is known for having prayed Lord, make seeing eyes blind when stopped at the border of a communist country for his car to be inspected. Andrew was born on the11th May 1928 in Sint Paneras. He was the fourth of 6 children. His father was a poor, near deaf blacksmith and his mother was an invalid. In the 1940s he enlisted in the colonial army of the Dutch East Indies during the rebellion that would eventually form Indonesia. He was wounded in the ankle and during rehabilitation read the Bible obsessively, eventually converting to Christianity. He studied at the WEC Missionary training College in Glasgow. July 1955 visited Communist Poland to find out about the underground church. To do this he had to go on a government controlled tour. He felt he had to respond to the Biblical Commission *Wake up, strengthen what remains and is about to die ( Revelation ch3 v2) In 1957 he travelled to Moscow. He started to smuggle Bibles into Communist countries in a blue Volkswagen Beetle. He prayed and left them deliberately in full view. This was a fulfillment of child’s dream of *derring-do . The work of Open Doors continued to expand as it extended its network throughout Eastern Europe and Soviet Union. (Read ‘Brother Andrew’s Story’ crossing into Romania.) In the 1960s he visited China, Czechoslovakia and Cuba. In 1967 published first edition of God’s Smugglers. By 2002 over 10 million were sold, ( See Bridge Books for special 60th anniversary edition of first trip.) 1970s visited war torn Lebanon. In 1990s travelled several times to the Middle East - Lebanon and Israel Brother Andrew has written 10 books. He is now in his 90s. Is he still smuggling?
Mary Moffat Livingstone (1821-1862)

Mary Moffat Livingstone (1821-1862)

Mary Moffat Livingstone was the wife of David Livingstone the missionary and explorer. In the history books she has been forgotten They said he had three wives - the river Nile,the struggle against slavery and religion. In the article in the Daily Mail Mrs Livingstone i Presume written by Jane Fryer she looks at the life of his real wife. She was strong, educated, fearless and spoke 6 African languages. She was the daughter of missionaries and was renowned in South Africa. . It was Mary who opened doors in remote parts of Africa for her singularly driven husband with her languages and connections. Tribal leaders would insist on addressing her first. Together they crossed the Kalshari desert surviving on biscuit and beans. They survived an entire week without water. She endured appalling hardship, long separations, a sporadic paralysis caused by a post natal stroke after her fourth child Elizabeth was born in the bush and the final battle aged 41 with malaria. Mary and David met when he was recovering from being bitten by a lion. Within weeks his life long vow to marry ‘went up in smoke’. They married in 1845. In 7 years they built their own house, created 3 mission stations from scratch and weathered 2 years of drought. In 1849, with 3 children and Mary pregnant they started a 1,500 mile trek across the Kalahari desert. Read the full article by Jane Fryer. Visit in July (2021) the revamped (9.1 million) David Livingstone museum In Lanarkshire where finally Mary’s contribution will finally be given due credit They obviously loved each other. He just loved exploration and adventure a bit more. Sources Daily Mail Wikipedia
Charles Stewart Thompson

Charles Stewart Thompson

Dr. Charles Stewart Thompson (1851-1900 was the first medical missionary to Kherwara Chhaoniin Rajputana, the Bhils region of Central India. His schools, famine relief centres and medical service transformed care in the region. He was accepted as a missionary by the Church Missionary Society (CMS) and in June 1880 he was ordained a deacon, in October ordained as a priest He was a doctor, reverend, translator and philanthropist who worked to treat cholera. leprosy, the Bubonic plague, ophthalmia, malaria rheumatism and fever. It took him nearly 10 years to achieve his first convert. It was said that many of his Bhil students were Christian at heart but none had the courage to be baptized for fear of social ostracism. On 15th December 1889 Sukha Damor, his wife and their 4 children were baptized. Others followed. He eventually pioneered Christianity in 7 districts. In 1896, after 15 years, he took a furlough. He had established primary schools, dispensaries, relief centres and orphanages. He had also translated and published the Gospel, the first grammar and vocabulary book and a prayer book into the Bhili language. While in the UK he desperately attempted to persuade the CMS to send more doctors and nurses. In 1899 he heard about the terrible Chappania Famine afflicting the Bhil region. and returned to India. The men had fled leaving only women and children who were starving. He took matters into his own hands -he set up 7 relief centres - feeding 700 Bhili children and some adults. He set up an orphanage. By April 1900 he had opened 15 relief centres and was feeding 5,500 children, twice daily who would have been either dead or starving. In May 1900 he fell ill with cholera. The Bhil people tried to get him European Aid. He died on May 19th at noon, under a tree. On his death he became a source of inspiration. He was acclaimed as the founding father who had laid down his life for the salvation of the Bhil. Many volunteers came forward to help with the Bhil mission. In Kherwara there is school named in his memory - The Thompson Memorial School. Charles spent nearly 20 years living, working, and ultimately dedicating his life to the plight of the Bhils.
Reverend Ike

Reverend Ike

Frederick J. Eikerenkoetter II (1935-2009) better known as Reverend Ike was an American minister and evangelist based in New York . His ministry reached its peak in the mid 1970s when his weekly radio sermons were carried by 100s of stations across the USA… He was famous for his ‘Blessing Plan’- radio listeners sent him money and in return he blessed them. He bought in 1969 for more than $500,000 the Loew’s 175th Street Theatre movie palace. It was known locally as Reverend Ike’s Prayer Tower. He had it fully restored and decorated luxuriously. In 2016 it was designated as a landmark by the New York City Landmark Commission. His preaching was considered a form of new-age theology. He diverged from traditional Christian theology and taught what he calledScience of Living**.
Graeme Goldsworthy

Graeme Goldsworthy

Graeme Goldsworthy (born 1934) is an Australian evangelical theologian specialising in the O.T and Biblical theology. Graeme has been influential across the world but especially in the Anglican Diocese of Sydney where his work has been crucial for shaping how Sydney Australians think about and preach from the Bible. His most significant work is a trilogy Gospel and Kingdom, Gospel and Wisdom,and The Gospel in Revelation (See ‘Works’ for full list)
Daniel Razon

Daniel Razon

Bro. Daniel S. Razon (born 1967) acts as the Assistant Overall Servant of the Members Church of God International (MCGI) (1997 to present). He is also a broadcast journalist and prominent television and radio personality. He is fondly known as ‘Kuya Daniel’ and ‘.Public Service’ for the works and iinnovations he has pioneered that are centred on helping the public . He was born in Bulacan, Philippines. He once aspired to become a doctor but took up Mass Communications in college as advised by Bro. Eli - who took to preaching The Old Path on the radio and television. The Old Path is recognized as the longest religious programme in the Philippines. He assists Bro. Eli in leading the activities and propagation endeavours of the church as well as to attend to the overall spiritual, physical and mental welfare of the brethren. He has pioneered many oF MCGI’s existing organizations and ministries. He co-founded Bible Readers Society International. He spearheaded Worldwide Bible Expositions.
Douglas Coe

Douglas Coe

Douglas Coe (1928-2017) was an American ordained ruling elder and lay minister in the Presbyterian Church USA. He was the associate director of The Fellowship (also known as family of friends in Christ, the Prayer Breakfast groups) He was reluctant to speak in public and routinely denied requests for interviews and speeches to large audiences. He met and worked for Abraham Vereide, a Norwegian methodist evangelist and founder of International Christian Leadership (ICI). He was fascinated by his visionary communication of a leadership led by God, empowered by his Spirit. and became his assistant director. Douglas was mentored by the young Billy Graham. The Fellowship was a behind the scenes player at the Camp David Accords in 1978. In March 2009 he was a featured speaker at the Idaho State Prayer Breakfast. The extent of Douglas’s influence in American politics is a subject of debate. In 2005 Douglas was named as one of the 25 most influential evangelicals in the USA by Time magazine. Douglas died, aged 88, in Annapolis, Maryland on 21st February 2017 from complications of heart attack.
Daniel Chad

Daniel Chad

Daniel Chad is a British evangelist from London, UK. He was born in Bedford. Before he became a Christian he was an amateur boxer who lived a life of addiction, violence and negativity and was on course for an 8 year prison sentence. It was through this desperation that Daniel was told about Jesus. The love of God broke into his life and this led to a powerful conversion. Not long after his salvation he began to pray and heal people on the streets. People surrendered their lives to Jesus in shopping centres, churches and in hospitals. He graduated from the Reinhard Bonke School of Evangelism and was catapulted into the ministry at the age of 21. He has preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ iN the UK, Poland, Pakistan, Austria, Abu Dhabi, Germany and many more. He has appeared on TV - Revelation TV and the God TV. He is well known due to his evangelism and healing ministry videos.
Bayless Conley

Bayless Conley

Bayless Conley is an American gospel pastor and television personality who hosts Answers With Bayless Conleyon T.V… He says he found God 35 years ago through a 12 year old Christian boy. The Answers programme can be heard weekly on CNBC in Europe, North Africa, in the Middle East. in Mexico on Genesis T.V.and on other local channels. He has also founded Cottonwood Church In January 2014 he was hospitalized after a boating accident but has since recovered and returned to ministry.
Timkat January19/20   Ethiopian Celebration of Christ's  Baptism

Timkat January19/20 Ethiopian Celebration of Christ's Baptism

Ethiopians around the world celebrate the baptism of Jesus with the feast of Timkat - celebrations are spread over 3 Days. it involves processions, singing and dancing. On the 19th/20th (leap year) January is the most important day when the blessing of water and reaffirming of baptism vows take place.
Gary R. Hall

Gary R. Hall

Gary R. Hall was the 10th dean of Washington National Cathedral (2012-2015) He was born in Los Angeles. He holds an A.B. from UC-Berkeley and a Ph.D from UCLA, plus a M. Div from episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge. He has been an ordained minister for more than 35 years. He served several parishes in the USA . The congregations he served included All Saints Pasadena where he was senior clergy associate for education for 11 years. He taught Anglican theology and Polity at Berkeley Divinity School at Yale and the Episcopal Theological School at Claremont. He was both dean and president at Seabury-Western Theological Seminary in Evanston (2005-10). Before he became dean at Washington National Cathedral he was the rector of Christ Church Cranbrook. When he arrived he was told $50 milion was needed for quake damage and long term financial stability. He was known as a fix-up man. He raised the cathedral’s profile with his outspoken and steady public comments on things like race, transgender rights and gun control. He said later the place needed to raise $50 million, a decade, over the next 30 years to be sustainable. He currently serves as the National Cathedral’s chief ecclesiastical leader and executive officer, working closely with the bishop of Washington and governing bodies to shape and support ministries in the city of Washington,the nation and the world.
Theodore Epp

Theodore Epp

Theodore Epp (1907-1985) was an American Christian clergyman, writer and a radio evangelist. He was the founding director and speaker of the Back to the Bible broadcasts between 1939-1985 (46 years) -when he retired. He was heard worldwide on 800 stations in 8 languages. He was born in Oraibi, Arizona - the son of Russian Mennonite immigrants who were missionaries to the Hopi Indians. he attended Hesston College and the Bible Institute of Los Angles (now Biola University). In 1932 received a ThM form Southwestern Theological Seminary. Back to the Bible also had a choir and a weekly youth programme featuring a youth choir and serialized adventures with a Christian theme. The programme remains headquartered in Lincoln, Nebraska. He wrote a total of 138 books. Theodore carried on broadcasting throughout his life… He died, aged 78, on 13th October 1985 ,a very shortly after he had retired.
James Edward Walsh (1891-1981)

James Edward Walsh (1891-1981)

James was an American Roman Catholic priest who became a missionary in China. In 1915 he became the second priest ordained in the new Maryknoll order. In 1918,with three others, he was sent on his first mission to China. His early years were chaotic- being captured by bandits and caught in local conflicts. In 1927 he was consecrated Maryknoll’s first bishop.In 1936 he left China to become head of Maryknoll. During his 10 year term he oversaw Maryknoll’s first missions to Latin America and Africa In 1948, following the Holy See’s special request, he returned to China to coordinate mission activities in China. The Communist party seized power in 1949. He expected to be arrested but that did not happen until 1958. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison- 12 spent in isolation. He was released in 1970. His release was an important at gesture leading to the thawing of relations with President Nixion’s visit to China in 1972 James returned to the USA,. He did aged 91 in Maryknoll, New York from a heart ailment.
Joseph Edkins (1823-1905)

Joseph Edkins (1823-1905)

Joseph was a British protestant missionary who spent 57 years in China, 30 in Beijing. He specialised in Chinese religions, especially Buddhism… He was a linguist, translator and philologist. He penned many books about the Chinese language (See ‘Works’). He graduated in1843 from the University of London and ordained in 1847. In 1848 the London Missionary Society (LMS) sent him to China. He edited the Chinese and Foreign Concord Almanach from 1852-58. He also collaborated with others to translate many Western scientific works and the Bible. He was also involved with direct evangelism travelling with Hudson Taylor on his first canal travels in China. In 1872 he collaborate with William A.P. Martin to publish Peking Magazine- 36 issues terminated in 1875. In 1880 resigned form LMS to become a translator for the Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs. He became the Customs head and translated a series called 16 Primers for Western Knowledge covering many subjects. In 1903 he survived typhoid and was still writing at the age of 81. He died in Shanghai on Easter Sunday 1905. He married three times , his first wife , Jane Rowbotham Stobbs, died in 1863 aged just 22.
James Anthony Walsh (1867-1936)

James Anthony Walsh (1867-1936)

James, with co-founder Rev. Thomas Frederick Price, founded Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers (the Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America - CFMSA in 1911. ( See separate sheet About Maryknoll - The Maryknoll Magazine) James attended Boston College High School where his skills in debating and journalism were first recognised. He transferred to Harvard College as a ‘special student’. He completed his studies at St. John’s Seminary in Brighton, Boston. In 1992 he was ordained. In 1903 he was appointed Diocesan Director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith and in 1907 he founded The Field Afar magazine. He served as Superior General of the Maryknoll Fathers Brothers from 1911 until his death in 1936. During that time he made trips across the USA , Rome and other places throughout the world. In 1933 he was named to the episcopacy as Titular, Bishop of Seine. His teaching, as a priest, gave students strong encouragement to follow their dreams in life,
John Wilson (1804-1875)

John Wilson (1804-1875)

John was a Scottish Christian missionary, orientalist and educator in the Bombay presidency, British India. In 1828 he married Margaret Bayne and together they went as missionaries of the Scottish Missionary Society (SMS) to Bombay. He was more intelligent than his siblings- learning to walk and talk at an early age. In the playground he was regarded as the ‘priest’ because he often preached to his classmates!l 1819-1827 he attended the University of Edinburgh studying linguistics (8 languages), philosophy and theology. His first experience of teaching was as a guide and tutor to the three boys of Colonel Rose Cormack as they travelled through the Netherlands. In Bombay the couple studied Marathi at Harnai. John established the Ambroli Church, a school for the young and a college (1832-6). In 1829 Margaret established schools for girls. In 1832 she established a boarding school for females - now called St. Columbia High School. They opened schools in Marathi and Hebrew for the native Jewish community of boys and girls. They translated the Old Testament for their benefit. John was an author of many books (see Writings) and a started a periodical The Oriental Christian Spectator which ran from 1830-1862. He was an archaeologist and passionate advocate for the preservation of Indian historical monuments becoming the Honorary President of the Asiatic Society in Bombay. In 1948 he was elected the first president of the Bombay Cave Temple Commission In 1857 he helped establish Bombay University and became Vice-chancellor in 1869.
Mark Rutland (born 1947)

Mark Rutland (born 1947)

Mark is a missionary, evangelist, ordained minister of the International Ministerial Fellowship and the House of God. He originally wanted to pursue a career in politics and went to the University of Maryland to earn a degree in public relations. Upon graduation he began a career in Christian ministry and attended the Candler School of Theology at Emory University- this followed a supernatural experience in his youth -, a mandate from God calling him to be a preacher, and becoming a born again Christian.His wife Alison had a similar mandate for Mark. Mark became a pastor at Oak Grove Methodist Church in Woodstock, Georgia. December 1975 he was baptized in the Holy Spirit and experienced speaking in tongues at Atlanta, Georgia. This was a turning point in his life. He began preaching at revivals and conferences. His first mission was to Mexico in 1977. He began his missions in earnest in 1979 when he went to Ghana. This was followed by missions to Nigeria, India, Benin, Colombia , Peru, Thailand, Mexico and many other countries. He founded Trinity Foundations - now called Global Servants; and House of Grace (1988). In 1987 he became an associate pastor at Mount Paran Church of God in Atlanta. In 1990 he took over a leaderless Calvary Assembly of God in Orlando and transformed it over the next 5 years. In 1999 he became the new president of struggling South Eastern University of God in Lakeland, Florida. Over the next 10 years it became a full university with a tripling of its enrollment (Read president of Southeastern University). In 2009 he became president of Oral Roberts University. He helped the enrollment numbers to increase form just over 3,000 to 6,500. In 2011 he announced he would leave ORU within two years- He would then be 64 years of age. He has remained active . He is the founder and director of the Institute on Christian Leadership, a one year educational programme for ministers and business leaders. He written 17 books (See Published works). Brief information about ORU included Source used Wikipedia
Geraldine Taylor (1962-1949)

Geraldine Taylor (1962-1949)

Mary Geraldine Taylor, born on Christmas Day 1962, was a British Protestant Christian missionary to China. She was the daughter of Fanny and Henry Gratton Guinness who were revivalist preachers and authors. She became the author of many missionary biographies on the history of the China Inland Mission (CIM). Mary Geraldine Guinness married Frederick Howard Taylor the son of James Hudson Taylor the founder of CIM. Aged 22 she left London for China in January 1888 on board Kaisar-I-Hind. At Colombo they boarded S.S. Deccan for Shanghai. She arrived at Yang-chau on 23rd March 1888. After training in China she was eventually stationed in Honan Province. Mary wrote many biographies plus 20 other books (See Published works). She died on 6th June 1949 aged 86.
Marshall Broomhall (1866-1937)

Marshall Broomhall (1866-1937)

Marshall, at an early age, suffered poor eye sight - he was ‘blind’ in one eye, but was still able to write many books. He was a British Protestant Christian missionary to China with the China Inland Missions (CIM). He authored many books on the subject of Chinese missionary work . He is related to James Hudson Taylor -his mother was Amelia Hudson Taylor- the daughter of Taylor. In 1890 he was accepted as a missionary by CIM London Council. October 1890 he sailed to China. Florence Corderoy, his future wife, joined him in 1894. In 1900 the Boxer Rebellion broke out in China. The CIM had the greatest loss of life- 79 people were massacred including children… Marshall diligently sought out information to send home. He later wrote 2 memorable books documenting the harrowing stories of both the martyrs and the survivors. In 1900 he was appointed Editorial Secretary for the mission in London. In 1910 he took part in the Edinburgh Missionary Conference, In 1911/12 , after the founding of the Republic of China, he visited China and travelled extensively to obtain first hand, up to date information. This resulted in The Chinese Empire: A General and Missionary Survey being written. This book was constantly referred to by the commission to Carrying the Gospel to all ythe Non-Christian World, of which he was a member. In 1927, after 27 years, aged 61, he stopped being the Editorial Secretary but continued with his literary work. He became an expert at writing biographies. He also gave preliminary Chinese language lessons to CIM candidates. In 1936 he briefly edited the** China’s Millions** but ill health forced him to stop. On the 27th October 1937, aged 71 he died. His wife Florence died in 1957.